Environmental Services

AWK is capable of performing a full range of environmental studies in accordance with regulatory resource methodologies, guidelines, and directives including Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), California Department of Transporation (Caltrans), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and many others. Environmental services include:

  • National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) Documentation
      • BRPA-Bridge and Roadway Programmatic Agreement
      • CEE-Categorical Exclusion Evaluation
      • EA-Environmental Assessment
      • EIS-Environmental Impact Statement
  • Phase I, II, and III Environmental Site Assessments (ESA’s)
  • Environmental justice issues
  • Wetland Delineations
  • Wetland and Stream Mitigation design
  • Section 4(f) / 6(f) Evaluations
  • Health and Safety Plans
  • Field sampling plans
  • Asbestos inspections for buildings and bridges
  • Lead-based Paint Investigations
  • Permit preparation (General, Joint Permit Application, and others)
  • Archaeological Investigations
  • Historic Structures investigations
  • Stream and Waterway Assessments
  • Agricultural resources
  • Threatened and Endangered Species coordination
  • Phase I Bog turtle surveys
Phase I Bog Turtle Surveys